There was a time, many months ago, when I could check my computer every five minutes, and there would be a new comment on this blog. Then, things started to slow down--but still, we got about eight or nine comments a day. Then it was eight or nine comments a week. A month. And now...nothing. It doesn't matter if the most amazing episode of The Clone Wars EVER, with more Ahsoka-action than any of us could have dreamed comes on, because no one remembers this little blog anymore. I can't tell you how many Fridays I've spent watching the Clone Wars, than jumping on to the computer, sure that my inbox will be flooded with comments from you guys about the amazing episode--but what greets me instead is nothing, nothing at all. It makes me feel lonely and sad. I thought--perhaps naively so--that this blog that we all started together would last forever. Obviously not.
So I'm shutting this blog down.
I'll keep the page up, of course, as a tribute to Ahsoka, the greatest of all the Jedi. And I won't restrict commenting--if any of you happen to come by, please do comment, so that I know that you're still out there.
But in essence, the Council of Ahsoka is dead.
We've fallen. In many ways, we've failed our hero, the namesake of our group. I hope that you are all out there, fighting Ahsoka-haters on your own. Although we were stronger in numbers, I do not doubt that you are all making an effect out there on the internet, defending Ahsoka Tano. I hope I do not sound patronizing when I say this, but I am personally very proud of you all. There are many haters out there, but you've stood proudly against them all, and defended your opinions. You have made a difference.
For that, I thank you.
And...I thank you for all the joy you've given me, knowing that I am not alone. You guys are truly the best internet community I've ever known. I'll miss your company. But then, I already do miss it.
Perhaps, one day, our paths will cross again. Until then, goodbye.
Your friend,