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Thursday, November 8, 2012

David Tennant, guys!!!

Hello. I know I said I'd stop posting on this blog, but I just couldn't resist. Remember all those times that I brought up Doctor Who, and you guys were like "We love you, Annabeth, but seriously...shut up now." Guys. Guys. David Tennant, the most popular actor to play the Doctor, is guest starring on The Clone Wars this week. IT IS THE CROSSOVER TO END ALL CROSSOVERS!!!!!!!!!! IT IS THE MOST MAGNIFICENT THING I'VE EVER HEARD. IT IS SO BLOODY FANTASTIC!!!!!! I remember when I used to get excited because ABF (bluesaber3) would include a Doctor cameo in NSNW. NOW IT IS ACTUALLY REAL AND CANON AND AMAZING. I CANNOT CONTAIN MY EXCITEMENT. Just had to share this with you guys. I miss you all. Love, peace, and TARDISes, Annabeth713